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- 조회 수 638
오늘의 무료 e-book의 제목과 그에 대한 설명입니다.
Mastering C# Concurrency
Concurrency brings new benefits to your work. So take the time to learn how to bring those benefits to your C# apps with this title. Starting with the traditional approach to concurrency, you will learn how to write multithreaded concurrent programs and compose ways that won't require locking. You will explore the concepts of parallelism granularity, and fine-grained and coarse-grained parallel tasks by choosing a concurrent program structure and paralleling the workload optimally. You will also learn how to use task parallel library, cancellations, timeouts, and how to handle errors. With all this and more, you'll be able to diagnose and resolve typical problems that could happen in multithreaded applications!
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