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- 이니스프리
- 조회 수 322
조금 애매한 경우도 있군요.
1. 램노드에서 허용되는 행위
- IRC*
- Source games+
- Minecraft servers+
- Adult material
- Video streaming
- Torrents (Only allowed in US locations - must be limited to 20Mbps total)
- Usenet (Must be limited to 20Mbps total)
2. 램노드에서 금지되는 행위
- Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
- Port scanning
- Botnets
- TOR exit nodes
- Open proxies
- Open DNS resolvers
- Hola
- Illegal downloads/Piracy
- Kloxo
- Video chat (e.g., CamFrog, Visichat)
- Virtual currency / cryptocurrency (*coin) mining
- Crypto verification (SmartNodes, etc.) (*Allowed on VDS*)
- HentaiAtHome
- Facebook crawlers
- IP spoofing
- Fake/Replica product websites
- Phishing
- World Community Grid, Folding at Home, or similar software
- Prime95
- CrystalMines
- HYIP websites
- Booter/Stresser websites
- HitLeap or any artificial traffic creation
- iBusinessPromoter or similar software
- Multics, CCcam, or any other card sharing software
- Chinese private game servers and related websites
- Shadowsocks